Why Audrey Hepburn Used A Safety Pin To Help Create Her Signature Look

April 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Audrey Hepburn's legacy was just as much about her appearance as it was her acting. And while she was enormously famous, there still are a few things about her that many people might not know. Her eyebrows, for example, took more than the practiced hands of makeup artist Alberto de Rossi, but also safety pins to separate each individual lash. 

Sean Hepburn Ferrer, the son of Audrey Hepburn, outlined his mother's extraordinary makeup process in his book "Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit: A Son Remembers."  According to Ferrer, the secret behind the iconic "Audrey Hepburn eyes" look came from Rossi techniques involving a safety pin and tweezers. Rossi would separate each of Audrey's eyelashes individually with a safety pin, which was the signature detail about her famous eyes. 

As Vogue states, Hepburn's eyelashes received even more definition when Rossi used tweezers to pluck them. Then afterwards, he applied the mascara to her, which resulted in the stunning look Hepburn was known for. 
