The Bizarre True Story Of Jerry Springer's Birth

April 2024 ยท 1 minute read

When a preschool-aged Jerry Springer and his parents arrived in New York City in the late 1940s, it was just the latest in a decades-long history of moving from place to place, generally as a means of survival.

As BBC News reports, Springer's father, Richard Springer, was born in Landsberg, Germany, which doesn't exist anymore as the area is now a part of Poland. Richard Springer owned a shoe store there, likely from 1930-1937, until the family moved to Berlin. That's because, at the time, Jewish businesses were required to display signs that they were Jewish-owned. The elder Springer believed, falsely, that things would be better in a larger city, and the family moved to Berlin.

Unfortunately, some family members left behind did not survive the Nazi regime, and Springer would lose his grandparents on both sides to the Nazis, one to a gas chamber, another starved to death in a concentration camp, according to The Independent. Springer's parents arrived in London in August 1939, just a month before Britain closed its borders.
