Arthur | Desert Island Dish/The Secret About Secrets | Season 10 | Episode 3

April 2024 · 15 minute read

♪ Every day when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ Everybody that you meet has an original point of view.

♪ ( laughs ) ♪ And I say hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other ♪ ♪ You got to listen to your heart ♪ ♪ Listen to the beat ♪ ♪ Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ Open up your eyes, open up your ears ♪ ♪ Get together and make things better by working together ♪ ♪ It's a simple message and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ Believe in yourself ♪ ♪ For that's the place to start ♪ ♪ And I say hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other.

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ Hey!

What a wonderful kind of day.

♪ Hey!

ARTHUR: Hey, D.W. Hey!


( crash ) Whoa!

Ahoy, lookout, is it clearing?

Surf's way up, dude.

Ahoy, Captain!

Second Mate Brain, where are we?

There's no way to tell without the sun.

Any sign of the sun from up there?


Ship surgeon Francine, you should be belowdecks.

I found him in my quarters, sir.

( squawks ) Excuse me?

He had this.

Do you know what this means, Captain?

It means he's really hungry.

We're close to land.



But where?

( all grunting ) ( all groaning ) Land ho!

( squawking ) All right!

Our very own island!




Only seven more days to summer vacation.

And Ratburn promised no more pop quizzes for the rest of the year.

That's only because he's saving up for the big end-of-the-year final homework assignment.

But... but haven't we suffered enough?

Miss Sweetwater's class is already cleaning out their desks and planning a party with cake.

He does it every year.

Why should this year be any different?

( bell rings ) ( laughing ) RATBURN: Let's see.

I've given you the word problems for tomorrow, the sentences to diagram and the reading on gastropods.

RATBURN: But this is the end of the year.

It's time for a little something extra.

Oh, no, here it comes.

Please take out your notebooks and write down your final end-of-the-year assignment.

Imagine that all of you are stranded on a desert island.

Each of you may choose an unlimited supply of one food to bring with you.

What would you choose?

That's it?

FRANCINE: It's a no-brainer.

If I was stuck on a desert island, I'd bring barbecue potato chips.

I'd bring that new cereal Cotton Candy Crunch.

What about you, Buster?

Desert island... one food only... Donuts!

Mmm... Maybe chocolate would be better.

Or maybe mayonnaise straight out of the jar.


ARTHUR: Buster, pass me the ball.

( slurping ) Buster?

I don't know which food I like best.

Oh, this is so much harder than I thought.

Is something wrong?

This desert island assignment is much too simple.

I don't understand it.

Maybe you should just enjoy the fact that it's easy.

But Mr. Ratburn never gives easy assignments.

BUSTER: This wasn't easy, but after thinking about it a lot and I mean a lot, I finally decided on... ice cream.

( all exclaiming ) You did choose a dairy product, so you'd be getting calcium, but not enough vitamins, fiber or protein.

I knew it.

I should have gone with marshmallows.

Francine, how about you?

I would bring an unlimited supply of barbecued potato chips.

RATBURN: Hmm, let's think about all those spicy, powdery, very, very salty potato chips.

( coughing ) Need... water.

And you, Arthur, how long can anyone survive on sugar and Yellow Dye Number Five?

True, you'd be getting carbohydrates, but with far too much refined sugar and far too little protein.

Anyone else?

Alan, what did you come up with?


I don't have the answer!

( all gasp ) Well, at the moment, nobody does.

None of you would have survived for very long on the island.

What if I switched to jelly beans?

Your food choices have to sustain you.

Help could be a long time in coming.

I think I like the pop quizzes better.

I want you all to try the assignment again.

ALL: Aw... Another chance?

Remember, each of you may bring only one food, but your overall goal is to survive for as long as you can.

You have the weekend to come up with the solution.

BRAIN: I knew it was too simple.

You didn't even give an answer.


I still think I could survive on this.

I simply didn't settle for the wrong one.

This time I'll sift through all the available nutritional data.

I was hoping for a weekend without homework.

Somewhere out there is the perfect food and I'm going to find it.

( sighs ) BUSTER: Hey, Brain, are you in there?


Come on.

We're riding to the park.

I can't.

I'm still looking for the perfect food.

Did you guys give up?

No, we're done.


Look, we'll help you, okay?

The answer's obvious once you think about it.

Last time, we all picked fun food.

There's no way Ratburn would let us get away with that.

See, we picked food that we like to eat.

But the trick is to pick a food that we're supposed to eat.

Stuff like this: whole grains.

In other words, oatmeal.


Plain oatmeal.

It's so healthy that it's probably worth extra credit.

FRANCINE: And I'm going with vegetables.

Probably Brussels sprouts.

Get it now?

I don't know.

Oh, come on, it's perfect.

I bet Brussels sprouts are Ratburn's favorite food.

According to this, they do contain several vitamins as well as being high in fiber and water.

I rest my case.

But there's no protein.

My dad told me eggs are great protein, so I'm bringing ten hard-boiled eggs.

Fine, but you can't survive that long on eggs alone.

I'm looking for a single perfect food that has everything.

Maybe there isn't one.

But there has to be.

You just can't admit that we found a solution before you did.

Your solutions are incomplete.

You're making this harder than it is.

Let's go to the park.

Good luck.

One perfect food... One perfect food... May I help you?

Where would I find one food that has it all?

Some protein, a little fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber?

I'm afraid I can't help you with that.

( yells ) This assignment is impossible.

( laughing ) ( screams ) That's it!

It is impossible.

Why didn't I think of it earlier?

BRAIN: So, what do you say?

It's risky.

I know.

But there's no other way.

Count me in.

And we'll need Buster and Francine, too.

( squeaking ) FRANCINE: While each of us could survive for some time on a single food from one of the food groups... Research led us to the undeniable conclusion that it would be impossible to survive for very long without combining our food choices.

So, you decided to form a group.

Otherwise, it's impossible.

Of course I never directed you to work together.

But you never said that we couldn't.

So Arthur brought something from the protein group.

Hard-boiled eggs.

But we also needed vegetables, so I brought a salad, with olive oil.

Which takes care of our fat.

And I brought fruit.

And I brought some bread rolls and cheese.

And lots of water to wash it down.

BRAIN: So that takes care of our dairy and grains.

The assignment said that the overall goal was to survive.

And you just can't make it on only one kind of food.

You have to have grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy, protein and healthy fats.

Well done.

You've made a perfect presentation.

You figured out that you need a selection from each of the major food groups.

Well, almost perfect.

You forgot one thing.

I knew we forgot something.

Oh, does this mean we failed?

RATBURN: A desert island dessert.

There's nothing wrong with a desert island treat now and then.

After this, I've challenged Mrs. Sweetwater's class to a game of Capture the Flag.

Eat up!

( all cheering ) KIDS: And now...

This is my sister Juliet.

This is my friend Elizabeth.

And this is my friend Mary Ellen.

We're making healthy snacks in my kitchen.

Well, there's, um, fruits in it, and it's not ice cream.

It's frozen yogurt, so that makes it healthy.

My name is Corinne.

I have diabetes, and that means that something in my body called a pancreas does not work, or as my mom says, it's sleeping.

And I have to have this pump, and it gives me insulin whenever I eat or my blood sugar is too high.

And if I get low, which means I don't have enough sugar in my blood, then I have to have something to eat right away.

Right now we're making a fruit smoothie.

We're using strawberries, frozen yogurt, and maybe bananas.

Cut it in half first, and then we can peel it.

( blender whirring ) MARY ELLEN: Bon appétit.

CORINNE: I calculated how many carbohydrates are in the frozen yogurt and the fruit.

And then I put it into this and it tells you how much insulin you need to do.

In this snack, there's 20 grams of carbohydrates.

I entered it in to my pump, and it told me to do 0.3 of insulin.

This morning in the nurse's office I was feeling a little low before recess, so I did a check.

You take something called a meter, you put a little strip into it, and then you prick yourself with the little needle.

And when you put the blood onto the strip, it reads how much sugar is in that drop of blood.

And I'm 157, and that's a good number.

And we're still kind of hungry, so we're going to make apple slices wrapped in turkey.

I think it's a healthy snack because apples are fruits and the turkey is low fat and it has protein in it.


This is really good.

CORINNE: Well, you need nutritional food because if all you ate was junk food, you'd lie on the couch all day.

KIDS: And now... ( indistinct whispering ) Really?

Yep, but you can't tell anybody.

I won't.


That is so cool.

Well, see you tomorrow.

D.W.: Not so fast!


What were you guys whispering about?

I'm not telling you.

It's a secret.

I won't tell anybody.

I won't, either.

That's what makes it a secret.

T-w-i-n-s. Really?

That's quite a secret.

I'm sorry, dear, but your mother asked me not to show this to you.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

It's a secret.

All right, already!

Wait a minute.

Do any of you know a secret?

Don't worry, you can tell me.

I won't tell anybody.

Please tell me.





Oh, no.

Not again.

That's the tenth secret Arthur wouldn't tell me.

And I think it was a good one, too.

Why can't anybody ever tell me just one?

I could tell you one.

It's not the same.

Oh, I wish I knew one.

Well, the good thing about a secret is that it's secret.

Nobody has to know you weren't told one.

I know a secret, but I'm not telling it to you.



Aren't you going to ask me what it is?


Aren't you even going to ask me who told it to me?

Whoever told it to you doesn't want you blabbing it to us.

D.W., when a friend tells you a secret and asks you to keep it...

But nobody told me!

It's a secret I made up all by myself.

Well, I didn't tell you to keep blabbing about it.

Well, you also didn't tell me that you have to have someone tell you a secret, or it's not actually a secret.

That's it!

My mom told it to me.

She said I couldn't tell this secret to anybody.




She heard it from... Um... Miss Morgan!

You can't get away from me.



I think Miss Morgan heard it from your grandma.




What did she say?

My lips are sealed.

It's a secret.

Grandma tells us everything.

She'd never keep a secret from us.

Let's call Grandma and see.

Well, um... no.

You don't have to call her.

It's not that big a secret.

Hi, Grandma.

Okay, I was just kidding.

There's no secret.

TOMMY: And there's no cell phone!

( Tibbles laughing ) Good one, Tommy.


Are you okay?

I never knew fake secrets were so dangerous.

Stay right there.

( phone ringing ) Hello?

Oh, yes.

I called because you need to bring James a change of clothes.

What happened to you?

It's kind of a secret.

What about you?

Oh, well, it's kind of a secret, too.


I'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours.


I was fighting with the Tibbles and fell down.

Now you.

Uh... James split his pants right down the middle.

Oh, there's no hiding it.

You can see his underwear clear as day from the back.

( gasps ) You can't tell anyone.

It's a secret.


A secret.

Sorry, this clubhouse is for secret-holders only.

D.W.: I've got one.

( secret-holders whispering ) ( conversations stop ) It's okay, everybody.

She's cool.


What's that?

Well, that's to put your secret in.

Go on.

( whispers ): James split his pants.

( indistinct whispering ) Yes!

Wow, you're so happy today.

What happened?

Well, let's just say, I know a secret.


What do you mean, "Oh"?

What did the Tibbles' grandma tell you?


This time it's real.

Well, if it's real, why can't you tell me?

Because it's a secret.

But I'm your best friend.

True... Hmm.


But you can't tell anybody.

Uh, I'll tell you tomorrow.

She's my best friend.

Can't I at least tell one person?

But if you tell her, then how do you think James will feel?

It's just one person.

James split his pants.



But you can't tell anybody.

What are you doing?!

Don't worry, I'm just telling Timmy.

( whispers ): James split his pants.


Wait until I tell Tommy!

Tell me what?

( whispers ): James split his pants.

No, you guys!

You've got to stop!

( laughs ) ( whispers ): James split his pants.

James split his pants.

James split his pants.

( gasps ) ( all whispering ) Oh, no!

JAMES: Hey, D.W. What are they all talking about?


KIDS ( taunting ): ♪ James split his pants!

♪ ( laughter, taunting ) ( insects chirping ) ( sighs sadly ) D.W.: I know this secret, and it's a really great secret, and... a-and I just got to tell it to somebody!

You can tell it to me.

You should always share your secrets with Dad or me, so we can help you.


Well, the other day, James split his pants at school.

His mom had to bring him extra clothes.

I bet James is embarrassed and wouldn't want the other kids at school to know.

But it's really hard not to tell anyone.

I'm glad you told me, but let's keep it between us.

But how do I stop myself from telling it?

Well, try not to think about it.

Try thinking about something else, like Christmas.

( humming "Jingle Bells" ) So, what's the secret?


Oh, uh, I, uh... ( D.W. humming "Jingle Bells" ) D.W., did you hear me?

( thinking ): ♪ His mom had to bring him new clothes ♪ ♪ 'Cause James split his pants.

♪ Oh, look-- the Tibbles are making a sand castle!


I'll tell you tomorrow!


Hey, see you later, guys.

See you!

( indistinct whispering ) Hey, little girl, what's up with your bag?

Oh, uh...

I don't know.

( all gasp ) Never open your bag!

But... You open that bag, and you're out of the clubhouse.

( all gasp ) Whoa!

( grunts ) ( metal clicks ) Don't, D.W.!

Please, D.W.!

( gasps ) D.W.'s VOICE: James split his pants!

( yells ) Mom... can I stay home today?

I think I'm sick.


What is it, honey?

Do you feel nauseous?

Sore throat?

I think I have secret-itis.

Thanks, Thora, you're a lifesaver.

Hi, Grandma!

Hello, Arthur.

D.W. needs a flop day, but these appointments I have just can't wait.

I'll be back at 2:00.

( "Frère Jacques" plays on TV ) So, your mother tells me you have a very distinctive ailment.

Secrets can be hard, can't they?

I think I hate them.

Well, I'll tell you a secret.

I used to suffer from secret-itis myself-- until I was ten, when I found the perfect something to tell my secret to.

Go ahead and shout it, dear, as loud as you can.

James split his pants!

Now throw it as far as you can!

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think you're better.

What do you think?

( paddles splashing ) Hey, D.W.

I missed you yesterday.

I spent the whole day thinking about what your secret could be.

Can you tell me now?

( whispers ): I found out how to keep a secret.

You did?


( indistinct whispering ) Really?


But you can't tell anybody.

I won't.

Wow, that is so cool.

D.W.'s VOICE: James split his pants!

( seagulls squawking ) Hi, everyone, it's me, Buster.

We always have something to dance about in Elwood City, but you won't believe all the cool dances people are doing all around the country.

On my trip with my dad, I see people rock, stomp, twirl, pop and boogie to the beat.

I'm filming all the groovy fun and sending it back to my friends in Elwood City on my very own video postcards.

They're Postcards from Buster.

BH ♪ And everybody that you meet ♪ ♪ Has an original point of view ♪ ♪ And I say hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other.

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day.

♪ Hey!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day.

♪ Hey!
